What are the Overwatch Rank and how can you get to the top?

Are you new to Overwatch and uncertain of its rank system? Look no further – this guide offers an in-depth explanation of Overwatch’s rank system.

Overwatch Rank Rivalry in Sport

Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch is an online multiplayer FPS (First Person Shooter).This objective-based game pits two teams of six players with a cast of “heroes” with unique powers and roles. After Overwatch became popularly successful, other “hero shooter” games followed suit; though not the original of its genre, it proved to be one of the first successful ones.

What are the Overwatch Rank and how can you get to the top?

Quick Play, Competitive Play, Play vs. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Arcade are just a few of the many game modes available in Overwatch. Other modes include Tutorial, Practice Range and Custom. We’ll be concentrating entirely on Competitive Play in this post. Overwatch’s Rank System lets you to play against other gamers from across the globe. A player must first reach level 25 in Quick Play or Arcade before moving on to Competitive Play.

what exactly is a player’s skill rating?

A player’s skill rating is the major factor in determining their Tier/rank. It ranges from 1 to 5000, signifying the player’s total ability (higher is better). Increasing a player’s Skill Rating is the key to moving up the ranks. Win/loss ratio affects Skill Rating more than kill/death ratio. Focus on success as a team to enhance your skill grade.

How does a person’s talent rating work?

Placement matches are used to calculate your skill rating (SR) at the start of every season. Depending on match performance, players’ SR may rise or fall when given to a rank. Your own performance as well as that of other players affects how much SR you receive or lose; although Blizzard doesn’t reveal their exact algorithm behind these numbers, this serves as an accurate starting point.

At present, the Competitive System does not follow a progression-based system where you receive fixed rewards for victories. Point-based instead. We regularly evaluate your performance against other players and the outcomes achieved; so your score could move up or down significantly depending on who else is competing against you. Skill Ratings below 500 will be displayed as “500” instead of their actual value to prevent players from becoming disheartened.

What are the Overwatch Rank and how can you get to the top?

Overwatch has tiers.

It is possible to see each Tier’s badge on the player’s profile picture in Overwatch. The following are the divisions within each Tier:

  • The metal is called bronze (Skill Rating: 1-1500)
  • The colour of silver (Skill Rating: 1500-1999)
  • The colour of the metal is gold (Skill Rating: 2000-2499)
  • It’s made of platinum (Skill Rating: 2500-2999)
  • Diamond In the range of 3000-3499,
  • The lord (Skill Rating: 3500-3999)
  • Grandmaster (4000 or more)

It’s a good idea to quit considering these Tiers to be big milestones or accomplishments. To advance in Tiers, you’ll need to do more than just grind away at your present one. Focus on improving your gameplay rather than focusing on your SR and Tiers if you want to improve in rank.

A breakdown of Overwatch players’ Skill Rating Tier distribution was published by Jeff Kaplan in February 2018. The whole stat goes as follows:

  • The metal is called bronze (8 percent )
  • The colour of silver (21 percent )
  • The colour of the metal is gold (32 percent )
  • It’s made of platinum (25 percent )
  • “Diamond” (10 percent )
  • The lord (3 percent )
  • Master of martial arts (1 percent )

As shown in the image, most Overwatch users are Silver, Gold, or Platinum.

Tiers such as Silver, Gold, and Platinum aren’t as fiercely competitive as those immediately before them. Players in these three tiers are mostly concerned with honing their specialised skills. In comparison to the previous Tiers, good collaboration isn’t as critical at this level. Players with the lowest skill levels, such as newcomers or those who aren’t accustomed with shooters, should choose the Bronze Tier. Silver and Gold are often skipped by those who have already played shooters.

The Rank System’s first three ranks are based on player skill. As you go through the levels, the importance of cooperation and collaboration will grow.

If a player with a Skill Rating in the Silver, Gold, Platinum, or Diamond range cannot maintain their Tier’s minimum rating for five matches, they were demoted to a lesser skill level in previous seasons. If a player does not play at least five games in seven days, their rating will decrease by 25 points every 24 hours until they hit 3000 SR or until they finish the requisite amount of games. Blizzard officials disabled rating decay in Season 18 to discourage players from grinding for an excessive amount of time.

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A unique badge is awarded to the top 500 players on each region’s leaderboard in addition to the seven tiers listed above. The top 500 requires 50 competitive wins. Two weeks following the start of the season, the top 500 rankings are published.

rank in the game of Overwatch

There is a distinct badge for each level. The badges that can be earned in Overwatch are listed below.

Restrictions on the group’s skill rating

Skill Rating limitations are also in place to prevent an imbalance from occurring in a match (e.g., Grandmaster playing against Bronze players).

Placement match participants are not allowed to play with players ranked Diamond or above.
People with Skill Rating differentials over 1000 cannot join groups with lower-ranked members.

Master Tier players are unable to form groups with players with a differential in Skill Rating of more than 500 points.
If you’re a Grandmaster Tier player, you can’t play with someone with a lower Skill Rating than 350.

Each tier’s distinct approach to the game

People with Skill Rating differentials over 1000 cannot join groups with lower-ranked members.

Each tier's distinct approach to the game

A bronze and an argentina

These Tiers are filled with eager novices who will gladly assist you. Players here often portray their favourite heroes or experiment with various roles until they find one they feel most comfortable playing. Since most players are just getting started and trying out new heroes, microphones are rarely used here (it becomes relevant only in the Platinum Tier). Since most members in these ranks are new to the game, they move along quickly (Gold).


According to 2018 data, 32 percent of competitive Overwatch players reside in the Gold Tier. With such a large population, this tier can be quite toxic if newcomers find themselves stuck there after being promoted from Silver but unable to reach Platinum. Here, you’ll find serious players focused on honing their “primary” hero or building an impressive team.


Platinum Tier players begin to move their attention away from honing individual talents and toward team composition, strategy for the map or game style or even ultimate powers.. In this Tier, the use of a microphone is deemed essential. Mastery of the game’s mechanics and a rudimentary understanding of team dynamics are needed at this level. It’s at this point when the true competition kicks into gear.


Within this tier’s 15% of Overwatch players, there is no casualty. These individuals are dedicated and passionate fans. Map awareness and map strategy are two additional skills most in this Tier possess. However, as previously stated, competition comes into its own here; players must work together as one cohesive unit if they don’t communicate effectively with their teammates they will always lose out.


Players at this level, who have achieved semi-pro or even pro status, deserve to be included. Those who have reached this level have demonstrated mastery over all aspects of gameplay. Unfortunately, players in this rank specialise in one hero or role and may be less flexible than those in Tiers 2 and 3.

Overwatch’s Grandmaster Grandmaster level boasts some of the game’s renowned professional players and broadcasters. Watch a live game to get a feel for this stage.

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Start by honing your game. Learn alternative methods for each map, develop your sense of awareness and accuracy in using ultimate powers and secondary abilities, and boost teamwork skills. Skill Rating isn’t easy to comprehend, but winning helps us rise in results; unfortunately it isn’t just about individual success either – even if we win many medals together! To maximize teamwork efficiency when working together on maps, play as a group!

Playing video games–competitively or for fun–is an enjoyable pastime. If you want to compete, understanding the rating system may improve your game. Try not to focus too much on your Tier position when playing a game and just have some fun!

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Hi there! My name is Saurabh Vishwakarma! For four years now I've been passionately writing about gaming; especially because it is something that interests me! As an experienced writer of articles about games for various websites and magazines - as well as reviews, previews and anything related - my writing has become the preferred form for creating fun yet informative gaming related content!

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