Guide to Argos Phase 2 Callouts in full Guide (April 2024)

If you’re seeking for Argos Phase 2 Callouts, welcome to This post will go through the Lost Ark Argos Phase 2 Callouts in great detail.

You may advance to Argos Phase 2 (also known as Argos P2) in the Lost Ark game after completing Argos Phase 1. We provide these to you here to illustrate Argos Phase 2 Callouts in Lost Ark.

Argos Phase 2 Callouts

The following is a list of callouts for Lost Ark Argos Phase 2.

  • Arrow 1/5/7/11
  • spheres (orbs collect)
  • Sun (Since I am the moon, I have nothing to do on the side.)
  • Numerous bookcases (corners stacks)
  • the central (inside stand)
  • exterior of the home (outside stand)
Guide to Argos Phase 2 Callouts in full Guide 2024

How to Get Argos Phase 2 Callouts Availability?

Phase two of Argos must be completed on every run in order to proceed. The inclusion of teleporting a party to a separate platform to battle a new in-game monster while the remaining in-game party battles Argos is part of phase two’s night/day features.

Read Also:

What are the Argos phases?

Each stage of Argos’ assault on the Lost Ark requires a unique set of equipment, so it’s impossible to read them all at once.

Start out in the first two stages with an item level of 1370; however, the third requires 1400 Gold pieces (GS). Your group consists of two teams of four members for a total of eight players.

Would you choose P2 if P1 Argos were the situation?

According to Argos, unless you restart after completing the first stage, you are ineligible for further play on. Even if you have completed all three steps, however, don’t worry – nothing will lock you out!

Several last thoughts

We hope you will find this lesson on Argos Phase 2 Callouts to be beneficial. To learn more about the game and its mechanics, check out this page which goes in-depth about Lost Ark Argos Phase 2Callouts.

If you have any queries regarding Lost Ark Argos P2, this website is here to assist. We appreciate that you read through our comprehensive Lost Ark Argos P2 Callout Guide in full detail; we will collect all your queries and then answer them thoroughly.

Hi there! My name is Saurabh Vishwakarma! For four years now I've been passionately writing about gaming; especially because it is something that interests me! As an experienced writer of articles about games for various websites and magazines - as well as reviews, previews and anything related - my writing has become the preferred form for creating fun yet informative gaming related content!

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