Obey Me Demon Brothers: Get List Of All Characters

Obey Me Demon Brothers: To play, you’ll take on the role of a human exchange student attending the Devildom Academy as part of the Shall We Date? series’ Obey Me romance RPG and card game. Tear apart the complicated web of alliances between seven demon brothers and their contemporaries, fight exciting card battles, and rise to the top as the ultimate ruler.

You will be completely spoiled for choice with the 12 eligible bachelors in Obey Me, each with his own own personality, sense of style, and history. You never know when you might run into one of the supernaturally handsome boys from Obey Me, so we’ve compiled a handy introduction to each of them, complete with a bio about who they are and their preferred gifts from the series. Our guidance will lead you in the proper direction whether your sights are set on the handsome firstborn Lucifer or you wish to be the target of Mammon’s avarice.

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Obey Me Demon Brothers: Characters

There are seven Demon Brothers, who are also the story’s characters. Each represents one of the seven deadly sins and can be more (or less) appealing based on how much you know about them and their appearance and personality quirks.
With time and effort spent getting to know them, each will show its unique character, which is when things become exciting.

Lucifer (Avatar of Pride)

Lucifer is the eldest of the demon brothers and the fallen archangel Avatar of Pride. His brother’s respect for him and obedience to his rules are assured by his frightening and stern demeanour. To this day, Lucifer and Lord Diavolo remain the closest of friends. As the most powerful demons, they are respected and feared, and they keep the Devildom in order.

Lucifer (Avatar of Pride)
Obey Me Demon Brothers

During the demon exchange programme, the human MC does not have to worry about being attacked by other demons because of Lucifer’s fame and repute. Spending time in his study or listening to classical music are two of his favourite activities. He is the leader of the home and, as such, may be overprotective of the MC. However, despite his guarded attitude and strong sense of responsibility, he cannot keep his amorous feelings for the MC at bay for very long.

Mammon (Avatar of Greed)

Mammon describes greed and is the quintessential tsundere. He’s the second oldest brother, and he’s often getting in trouble because of his excessive spending and gaming. He does make money on his own as a model, but he spends much of it he steals from Lucifer and his siblings.

Obey Me Demon Brothers

Mammon initially opposes the MC and the people exchange programme, but his hard exterior soon crumbles. To control and bargain with the demon, he must become the first brother to form an agreement with the MC. Since making this arrangement, Mammon has been known to remind the MC that he was their “first” whenever they get too close to any of his other siblings. Despite his reputation as a jealous, obnoxious troublemaker, he adores the MC and would never reject them.

Satan (Avatar of Wrath)

Satan’s fiery temper is a reflection of his status as the Personification of Rage. The fact that he was conceived in Lucifer’s fury is a bone of contention amongst the siblings. Satan hates Lucifer, his older brother, because he sees himself as nothing more than a carbon copy of his sibling. Despite their familial ties, Satan is very different from the rest of the demons. When not provoked, his demeanour is polite and collected.

Obey Me Demon Brothers
Obey Me Demon Brothers

The two things he loves most in the world are books and cats, so it’s only fitting that his bedroom should look like a library. He is equally as well-read and magically adept as his demon sibling Lucifer. He takes great pride in the MC’s successes in the exchange programme thanks to his time spent tutoring the MC in the arts of magic and the Devildom. Just like the rest of his siblings, he bonds with the MC and develops romantic feelings for him.

Leviathan (Avatar of Envy)

A shy otaku, Levi is the embodiment of envy. As such, he often suffers from poor self-esteem and self-pity, and makes demeaning comments about himself until the MC compliments him. Since he considers himself an otaku and everyone else to be “normies,” he typically avoids his brothers and requires them to answer a secret question before they can have any kind of conversation with him.

Obey Me Demon Brothers

Media consumption is a way of life for Levi, who would rather be anywhere else. When it comes to his passions, like Ruri-chan and “The Tale of the Seven Lords,” he becomes obsessed. He spends much of his time in his room, where he watches anime and reads manga and, more importantly, plays video games with the MC till dawn. When the protagonist spends time with the brothers rather than him, the Avatar of Envy, he becomes envious and threatened.

Asmodeus (Avatar of Lust)

Asmo is the most colorful and eccentric of the brothers because he is the avatar of lust. He is selfish and arrogant because he is so proud of how he looks. He says that no one can resist his beauty. His upbeat and effervescent demeanor usually helps lessen the tension whenever his brothers are arguing, and as a socialite who frequents parties and nightclubs, he knows practically everyone in the Devildom.

Obey Me Demon Brothers

Unlike the rest of his siblings, he has always been friendly toward the MC and interested in the people exchange programme. Without a hint of remorse, he suggests that the MC do things like take a bath and sleep in his room. Asmo has developed romantic feelings for the MC, but his flirty nature makes it hard to know if his praises are sincere.

Beelzebub (Avatar of Gluttony)

Beel stands highest among the seven brothers and is the Avatar of Gluttony. Given the circumstances, he will devour everything, including non-edible objects, proving that his insatiable desire is matched only by his bottomless stomach. He can be readily persuaded with food due to his constant hunger. Nevertheless, he is the strongest of the brothers in spite of his unhealthy diet.

Obey Me Demon Brothers

Unlike his boisterous and frantic demon siblings, he genuinely cares about everyone he meets. Before and after an agreement is made, Beel feels obligated to guard and care for the MC. He and his twin brother Belphegor share a room since they are physically inseparable. Both are the youngest of seven brothers and are extremely loyal to one other because of this. The two identical stars in the sky are even named for them.

Belphegor (Avatar of Sloth)

Because she is the embodiment of sloth, Belphie spends most of her time sleeping or looking at the stars. He’s so exhausted that he constantly has a cushion with him. Because he is the youngest, he is the most defiant and most likely to lose his temper. He is also the most rebellious. To protect himself, he is capable of lying and manipulating others, thus his brothers are wary of what he says.

Obey Me Demon Brothers: Get List Of All Characters

He dislikes humans and the human exchange program but warms up to the MC after a while, inviting them to his favorite place in the House of Lamentation, the planetarium. He enjoys uncomplicated evenings in which he can unwind without interruption. Even though his older brothers don’t like it, he loves spending time with the MC, especially looking at the stars and sleeping on his lap.


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Aakash Srivastava
Aakash Srivastava
AAkash has been an avid gamer since he was a youngster. He enjoys spending his time evaluating and writing reviews for both video games and technological products. That is, whenever he is not too busy strolling aimlessly around the streets of Los Santos.

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