Hunter x Hunter 399: Nen Abilities of Heil-Ly

Hunter x Hunter 399: Hinrigh and Nobunaga meet Heil-ly gangsters. Hunter x Hunter continues this week as though Togashi never abandoned his admirers. Despite numerous hiatuses owing to the author and illustrator’s health, it has been running for over 10 chapters and may continue for 30 more. Each chapter of Togashi’s series has been solid and well-written.

Hunter x Hunter 399: Hinrigh Biganduffno and Nobunaga from the Phantom Troupe jumped into Heil-trap ly’s in Hunter × Hunter 398 to cleanse their lair. As bait, Feitan and Phinks can discover the hideaway from the outside. Hinrigh ate an oyster-shaped Homing Device. Hunter x Hunter 399 continued with Hinrigh and Nobunaga.

The Accommodations Inside The Hideout

Hunter x Hunter 399: Hunter x Hunter chapter 398 ended before Hinrigh Biganduffno and Nobunaga explored a laundry room. Hunter x Hunter 399 seems closer. Though unoccupied, the room has lately been in use. A censor covers a table in the room, which may contain a body or parts too horrible for the manga. A working washing machine shows recent visitors. Nobunaga realises Heil-ly are probably ahead of them as they survey the chamber.

Hunter x Hunter 399: The other two chambers that led to the trap undoubtedly housed Heil-ly members who warned their compatriots of their approach. This is because these men’s bodies weren’t on the laundry room autopsy table. Hinrigh may be trying to reassure Nobunaga by suggesting that the guys were brought to another room. One hiding room is unopened. Hinrigh opens the door gently and finds eight Heil-ly members sitting there unrestrained by their look.

Hunter x Hunter 399

The Heil-ly Participants And Their Nen Skills

Hunter x Hunter 399: Behind the door Hinrigh and Nobunaga recently opened, readers observe Terebellum, Yokotani, Orarge, Gelato, Soufflé, Montblanc, Chiffon, and Perigord. These eight continue their actions despite Hinrigh and Nobunaga’s presence. Hinrigh and Nobunaga should move first to eliminate these members. Terebellum’s head is pierced by a dagger thrown by Hinrigh. Hinrigh discovers that the knife’s tip has transported and is now in a smashed Coke can next to him. Yokotani intervenes as a legal counsel when Hinrigh throws another knife. As he recounts Hinrigh and Nobunaga’s sins, Nobunaga slashes his forehead.

Hunter x Hunter 399: Again, the point fades and doesn’t kill Yokotani. Nobunaga observes Terebellum’s haemorrhage. Nobunaga wanted to learn Terebellum’s nen talent. “Sweet Home,” Terebellum’s nen ability, displaces damage. His right hand absorbs the harm he touches, but his left hand can transmit it. After that, readers learn Yokotani’s LSDF talent. This skill only works once Morena identifies himself and allows him to summon guards whose strengths depend on the invaders’ sins. With this talent, they kick out Hinrigh and Nobunaga.

Hunter x Hunter 399: Outside The Hideout

Hunter x Hunter 399: Yokotani’s LSDF abilities allowed him to capture and disarm Nobunaga. Hinrigh Biganduffno must now secure the Homing Device. Yokotani hides the gadget in the laundry room they investigated earlier after realising his ability is on autopilot. He was apprehended by security and booted from the base. Hinrigh goes to discover the Phantom Troupe’s headquarters as Nobunaga rejoins Phinks and Feitan.

Hunter x Hunter 399: Hinrigh will look for what he’s already chosen. Morena’s abilities and the “organ” Heil-ly members stated as the primary threats. Hunter x Hunter delivered another great chapter this week, albeit not as good as the last few. Fans love seeing Nen’s skills, and this week was no exception. Togashi is accelerating the arc, so things will only grow more heated for Hinrigh and the Phantom Troupe.

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