Fallout London Mod Excludes the British Royal Family Ghouls

Fallout London Mod: The massive expansion of Fallout London explains why it had to modify two NPCs who resembled British royals.
The game mod creators originally planned to include royal ghouls. Todd Howard has announced that Fallout 5 would be published after Elder Scrolls 6, thus the next mainstream Fallout game may be years away. Despite the lack of a new Fallout game, gamers are still getting fresh material.

The game modders have been giving fans a cause to return to the radioactive wasteland for over a decade. Without new Fallout games in sight, ambitious and large modifications must fill the void. Fallout 4 expansion Fallout London Fallout London invites players overseas to see how other nations handled the apocalypse

What is the Fallout London Mod?

Fallout London Mod

Fallout London Mod: A mod team progress video shows Fallout London development is going nicely. The mod developers highlighted what they had to cut from the game as well as its new features, graphics, and more. Project Lead Dean Carter said ghoul versions of Queen Elizabeth and her son, King Charles, were originally planned.
However, Carter said that the mod’s creator removed the late Queen and present King of England. “We’ve always maintained that if she passed away before the mod was complete, we would alter it,” Carter added. Carter said fans must “wait and watch” how the game will alter these stats. Fallout London’s Project Lead doesn’t want fans to reverse this alteration. One of Fallout London’s several groups, the Ghoul Gentry, may replace the British Royalty.
The Gentry want tribute from Londoners to maintain their customary rule. The game’s nobility has warriors from various factions, but they also have opponents among the mod’s many organisations. To achieve an ending in the game, the player or Wayfarer may have to align with the Gentry or another group, as in Fallout 4.

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