Elite Dangerous Mining Tool 2024: The Ultimate Guide to Elite Dangerous Mining

Elite Dangerous Mining: Odyssey is fast approaching, and to prepare new players for their journey into Elite Dangerous’ world for the first time, we’re updating our mining tutorial with some essential information.

Elite Dangerous can be a challenging game to master, particularly when it comes to gathering resources, selling them, and conducting profitable mining expeditions that cover the costs of running expensive ships and mining equipment. This comprehensive book will give you all of the knowledge necessary for mining successfully, gathering valuable ores, and making money.

Mining asteroids with valuable minerals is a straightforward process: you mine them, collect the valuable elements, refine them and sell them on to stations for profit. Popular mining locations include asterroid belts and Resource Extraction Sites (RESs).

Elite dangerous mining

Elite, dangerous mining: Where do I begin?

To begin mining in Elite, you’ll need the following items: Dangerous a refinery and a laser for mining. Once you have these, simply go to an asteroid belt or a RES and look for asteroids to mine. Then, with your cargo scoop, pick up chunks of rock that fly off the asteroid using the mining laser. Then, on the right menu of the ship, near the cargo tab, go to the Refinery module and refine it. When you have collected 100% of the mineral, it will change into 1 ton of that mineral. You can then sell it to stations who are interested in purchasing it. Starting with the most important resource and working your way down to the least important, here are the minerals you should always pick up:

  • Platinum
  • Palladium
  • Gold
  • Silver

The Cobra Mk III is the suggested ship for miners because it has a huge cargo capacity and is a great ship overall. Here are some other good systems to look into:

  • Polahukuna
  • Sawahinn
  • 20 Opiuchi
  • Delkar
  • Ras Elased Borealis


  • The refinery module is required to refine mineral pieces in order to produce one ton of that mineral.
  • A mining laser is employed to extract mineral fragments from asteroid within the asteroid belt and Near Earth Object.
  • Cargo Rack Upgrade: This allow you to transport more mineral enabling you to spend more time at RES and asteroid belts while selling more minerals.
  • Auto Field Maintenance Unit: Having one of these on hand in case pirates try to pilfer your cargo is a wise idea. If something break such as the cargo hold you can use this unit immediately to save it.


The whole method of Elite Dangerous: Guide To Mining command has been given above so that you may utilise the information to better grasp the topic. Leave a remark if you need help with the this post.

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Aakash Srivastava
Aakash Srivastava
AAkash has been an avid gamer since he was a youngster. He enjoys spending his time evaluating and writing reviews for both video games and technological products. That is, whenever he is not too busy strolling aimlessly around the streets of Los Santos.

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