Serverless Computing: What is it and uses?

Serverless computing lets developers develop and implement apps without having to concers about infrastructure. Write code, then distribute it over the internet and then let their service provider handle any infrastructure they require. Developers love this model because they can quickly create and distribute apps at cost-effective prices. This article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of serverless computing and also the way it works.

How Serverless Computing Works?

Serverless Computing

Cloud providers manage servers, storage and networking for serverless computing. Developers simply write codes, wrap it in functionalities, then upload this code to the cloud service provider’s platform. Developers aren’t required to manage servers as the platform’s capabilities expand according to need. Function-as-a-Service describes this computing paradigm (FaaS).

Everything about SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture: What is SOA?


Serverless computing helps developers. First, it scales well and can withstand traffic surges. The cloud provider automatically scales functionality to demand. Second, serverless computing is cost-effective since developers only pay for functionalities used, not idle server time. Small enterprises and startups trying to save expenses might consider it. Finally, it can construct anything from basic web apps to sophisticated business solutions.


Serverless computing has its drawbacks. Developers who manage their own infrastructure may struggle, needing to trust the cloud provider with taking care of the infrastructure. It works best for short-term jobs rather than long-term ones since developers have less control over serverless computing infrastructure, making it less secure.

Use Cases for Serverless Computing

It builds many apps. Examples:

  • Web Apps: Authors can rapidly and cheaply develop web applications.
  • Event-Driven Computing Serverless computing is the ideal choice for developing applications based on events since it’s able to deal with massive spikes in traffic as well as manage huge quantities of data quickly.
  • Microservices: Microservices are light self-contained applications that can be developed and launched independently.
  • Data Processing: It could be utilized to process data, including parsing logs and analyzing data.


Developers can use serverless computing to create and manage apps without concern about costs for infrastructure or complexities. Though it does require users to understand the basics, security could be a concern; however serverless computing is gaining more and more sought-after as an efficient choice for developing web-based microservices that are event-driven and other data processing software.

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I'm a 21 years old currently a part of a content writer in officialroms, i love to write about gaming, anime and about the latest technology too.

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