Rythm Bot: Rythm bot commands and Other Details

Rythm Bots: Rythm strives to bring you only the best music available, so to prevent becoming disoriented when entering special characters, write [Song name/link]. Either enter either its title or link for its music file if applicable.

What Are Rythm Discord Music Bots?

If you have been following Discord bots recently, chances are you have come across Rythm. As one of the world’s most widely used music bots with millions of users worldwide and currently supporting over 5 Million servers worldwide – Rythm offers seamless music access without taking away from gameplay time to comprehend its instructions; providing consumers with quick and effortless access to their favourite musical content.

Rythm Bot

Features of Rythm Bot

  • Rythm strives to provide the best music possible. To avoid getting lost when entering special characters, give clear and concise directions. For example, to play a song, write [song name/link], followed by either its title or link to its music.
  • The Discord bot now supports live streaming from SoundCloud, YouTube, and Twitch. You can import YouTube playlists, queue music for looping, and search music directly on YouTube.
  • Ten million Discord servers currently host this bot, offering real-time streaming of high-quality music at no cost.
  • Furthermore, Rythm provides a suite of administrative tools. You can restrict the bot to the “DJ” role, set the length of your queue, and prevent similar songs from being filed simultaneously.
  • Another significant advantage is the online management capabilities provided by Rythm’s dashboard. You can request, play, pause and skip music without using Discord commands on the UI which is still under construction.
  • Once you create your playlist Rythm will automatically queue songs from it when the guild queue is empty.
  • Rythm offers an array of administrative features. You can restrict the bot to the “DJ” role, define the length of the queue, and prevent similar songs from being filed simultaneously.
  • Even the lyrics to the song currently playing or any other tune can be delivered to you through rhythm!

What Is a Discord Music Bot?

Users on Discord can create servers and invite friends, those with similar hobbies, or players of a given game. Discord servers function similarly to big group chat rooms but offer more capabilities. Users can play games or converse with peers while listening to music with Music Bots – created using the same process used for phoney Discord users.

To listen to music on Discord, you need access to a voice channel. A bot will then enter the voice channel and begin playing whatever command you give it based on its unique ID. Music bots allow multiple Discord users to simultaneously enjoy the same song thanks to Spotify, YouTube, and other music streaming services that Discord music bots can search through for selection when playing songs in a voice channel.

How can I add music bots to Discord?

  • On any bot website, look out for an “add bot” or “invite bot” button to invite or add another bot.
  • Once clicked, a popup will ask which server you would like to add the bot. In order to do this, at minimum you must possess “Manage Server” access on that particular server.
  • Explore your bot website by searching “commands” or “docs” to identify which commands it responds to.

Discord’s method for playing music

Utilizing a bot for music streaming on Discord couldn’t be simpler: just visit their website and follow its instructions; Groovy Bot serves as an example here.

Your Discord server provides another means of verifying commands. Type-help for Groovy bots ([specified prefix] help) will give instructions on how to review each order given by it.

If your bot supports it, include the song name or link when giving commands for music playback. For instance, after joining a voice channel on Discord server and entering I don’t think I still love you; the bot will begin playing music immediately upon joining that voice channel.

Use the -loop track command to play music currently being played; with this option enabled, all queued tracks will cycle continuously through. Use -loop off instead if you would rather stop loop from continuing its playback entirely.

Groovy will play the next song in your queue when using its play command to add additional music, while you can view your queue using -queue.

No matter which bot you select, as long as its services meet and meet with your satisfaction. Although many more bots can play music, these have the best and most recognizable features to ensure reliable services for music-playback.

Rythm Discord Bot Commands: Full List

!layPlays any selected song
!npShows the song that is currently playing
!disconnectDisconnects the Rythm bot from the server
!skipSkips the song that is currently playing
!skiptoSkips to any desired song on the queue
!moveMoves any song of your choice forward or backward in the queue
!rewindRewinds the song currently playing to any desired point
!forwardForwards the song currently playing to any desired point
!clearClears the song on the queue
!pingChecks the bot’s response time to Discord
!aliasesShows the aliases of each bot command
!removeRemoves a song from an already created queue
!searchSearches a music source for a particular entry
!soundCloudSearches SoundCloud for a song
!seekHelps to find a particular point within a music track
!statsDisplays the stats of the bot
!joinHelps the bot respond to your voice commands
!loopHelps you loop the song currently playing
!loopqueueHelps to loop the entire song on the queue
!donateDisplays information on how to donate to the Rythm server
!shardDisplays the shard you are currently on
!removedupesDeletes duplicates of songs on the queue
!infoContains information about Rythm
!replayReplays the song currently playing
!settingsChanges Rythm’s settings
!shuffleShuffles the tracks on the queue
!inviteDisplays invite links
!volumeAdjusts the current volume of the track
!pausePauses the track currently playing
!cleanDeletes messages and commands on the bot
!lyricsDisplays the lyrics of the track currently playing
!playskipAdds a song to the queue and skips straight to it


Over 16 million servers rely on Rythm, the most popular bot on Discord, making music-listening easy either solo or with friends. Rythm makes enjoying all your favourite tunes effortless!

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Aakash Srivastava
Aakash Srivastava
AAkash has been an avid gamer since he was a youngster. He enjoys spending his time evaluating and writing reviews for both video games and technological products. That is, whenever he is not too busy strolling aimlessly around the streets of Los Santos.

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