How to Find Best subnautica bioreactor Stream Games 2024

Are you in search of the most efficient Bioreactor fuel in Subnautica? If so, and you’ve been playing for some time, then you know how important having a powered base is for survival in this game. Without electricity, batteries cannot be charged nor oxygen levels replenished when entering your underwater environment – these aspects become essential at the beginning stages.

Subnautica’s nuclear power source may not be the most dependable, but it certainly outshines solar panel systems which only work during daylight. Bioreactors allow you to construct homes farther from earth with readily accessible fragments; however, without an appropriate power source your space won’t function optimally.

subnautica bioreactor

Let us teach you everything you should know about Subnautica’s Bioreactor and the most reliable energy sources that can be utilized with it. Let’s get started!

The location of bioreactor fragments is in Subnautica

Before that we’ll explain how to construct an eco-system that will support your home in Subnautica. If you already own one in place, bypass this part and head to the Bioreactor’s power sources.

To build the Bioreactor, you’ll need to look through fragments (2) to find an outline for it. They’re easy to spot. One excellent place to search for bioreactor pieces in Subnautica can be located in an area known as”the ” Grassy Plateau,” which is situated about a hundred or so meters to the west in your life. It’s a sand biome characterized by massive stone pillars and the red blades of grass that cover all of the seafloors. Keep an eye out at Sand Sharks!

After you’ve gathered your fragments of rock, you’ll require the following items:

How to Find Best subnautica bioreactor Stream Games
  • 3x Titanium Ores
  • Wiring Kit
  • Lubricant

Once you’ve collected all the necessary materials, you can assemble your Bioreactor in Subnautica using a habitat builder. When considering where to place a Bioreactor in Subnautica remember that it must be placed within an open multipurpose space (between both).

Best Bioreactor energy sources

By this stage, you should have a bioreactor running in your environment. As its name implies, it converts organic matter into energy to run your operations. But how much power it generates depends on what fuel you feed it with – so if the Bioreactor in Subnautica isn’t working, you won’t get much output. It can be disheartening when you return home to replenish supplies only to find that everything’s shut down due to an issue with its operation.

Simply put, what you put into the Bioreactor will determine its outcome. In Subnautica, fish provide the most efficient energy source for bioreactors – and “the Oculus” takes top honors!

How to Find Best subnautica bioreactor Stream Games

An Oculus Fish in an Aquarium

As seen above, the Oculus fish looks somewhat similar to a standard Peeper fish but is larger and features large bioluminescent eyes. When placed inside a Bioreactor, each weight (per fish) can produce 10,080 units of energy – making it one of the most powerful on the market. Unfortunately, they’re only found within Jellyshroom cave, home to formidable predatory snakes known as Crabsnakes that will attack anyone within their sight.

The Jellyshroom Caves

Another issue is the extent of the biome (up to 300 meters) which quickly depletes your oxygen levels, especially if you’re not equipped with a Rebreather. Even if you do, you’ll only have a few seconds to tour the flora before returning to the top for air. In this regard, it is suggested that you examine the biome using the aid of an enhanced Seamoth(at minimum MK1 depth module) and an oxygen tank with a high capacity. A first-aid kit, water and food won’t be a bad idea either.

If you’re not able to gain access to the multipurpose room at present, you’ll be interested to learn this: it is available. Jellyshroom cave is also among the only places to obtain plans for the room. You can find an abandoned structure or habitat within the cave.

When you’ve made enough progress into the game, You’ll be able to construct an alien containment system. It’s a huge aquarium that you can build within the habitat. Additionally, you can utilize the unit to reproduce Oculus fish in the security in your home base.

Alternative sources of energy for your Bioreactor

Are you having trouble locating Oculus fish for your Bioreactor? Entering Jellyshroom cave may prove challenging in the early stages, so instead consider Reginald or Spadefish; both are plentiful and easily accessible (many can be found on Plateaus of Grassy).

If you’re curious to see what fish look like, here is what they look like:

A Reginald Fish in an Aquarium

If placed inside a Bioreactor, Reginald fish can produce 7840 units per charge and Spadefish 6720 units of energy per load. These two species rank 2nd and 3rd as top fuel sources you can utilize in your Bioreactor. Furthermore, there’s little chance of chasing these fish due to their simplicity – they live near the surface!


That’s all the information you should be aware of regarding Subnautica’s Bioreactor and how to fuel it efficiently. Some may be nervous about using fish in the Bioreactor, but cooking fish in it is no more complex than using a fabricator for preparation.

Subnautica is a survival-based adventure game, so you must maximize every resource available to you. Having the correct energy source for the Bioreactor will allow you to progress through the game more quickly.

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Hi there! My name is Saurabh Vishwakarma! For four years now I've been passionately writing about gaming; especially because it is something that interests me! As an experienced writer of articles about games for various websites and magazines - as well as reviews, previews and anything related - my writing has become the preferred form for creating fun yet informative gaming related content!

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