New Update Funky Friday Script (New Code) April 2024

Update on Funky Friday Script (April 2024) : Are you searching for the Funky Friday Script 2024? Look no further than, where you’ll find all of our Funky Friday Scripts in action.

Here you’ll find Roblox Funky Friday Scripts & Hacks, an ideal resource for players who wish to take advantage of the game’s hidden features. With these scripts & hacks, players can enable AutoFarm options, admin functions, character customization options & much more using just their GUI menu. Funky Fri day Roblox game offers a vast array of functionalities which are all easily controlled through its GUI menu system.

New Update Funky Friday Script (2023)

Are you a fan of fast-paced music & plenty of in-game partying? The Funky Friday game is the ideal platform for you – players must engage in combat with other players or adversaries while playing tracks, collecting points for hitting notes. So let’s dive right in with this Funky Fri day Script review.

Script for a Funky Friday in 2024

Script for a Funky Friday Here you will find a fun Roblox script that will assist you with obtaining infinite in-game goodies & unlocking certain features.

local message ="Message", workspace)
message.Text = "Loaded. If the script is not working, press 'F9' to check for any errors."

Pastebin 2024 Funky Friday Script

Here is the pastebin Roblox funky friday scr ipt that will let you receive some additional bonuses in the game.


Pastebin Hacks for a Funky Friday Script (Admin Animation) Roblox

Here are pastebin Roblox fu nky fri day script hacks that you may use to earn unlimited in-game goodies.


Sick & Auto Win Friday Script Pastebin

Here are some Roblox scripts for a wacky Friday. Try Roblox’s fantastic funky fri day script pastebin sick & auto-win.


Roblox Pastebin Hacks GUI 2024 Funky Friday Script

Here is the pastebin hacks Roblox GUI 2024 wacky friday script. Take a look at this great Funky Fri day GUI Script.

_G.animations = false
loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))()Copied.

Roblox Funky Friday Pastebin Hacks Script GUI 2024

Here is the Roblox funky fri day script Pastebin Hacks 2024 if you want to try this check below.

— updated 5/12/21
— should choke less
— updated 5/16/21
— should ignore invisible notes
— added hit chances & a toggle
— hit chances are a bit rough but actually work good enough
— only tested on Synapse X
— moved ui to github & removed the kick
— for “free exploit” developers
— you need the following functions
— loadstring, getloadedmodules, getconnections, HttpGet, getgc, & set_thread_identity or whatever you call it
local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(“”))()
local framework, scrollHandler
while true do
for _, obj in next, getgc(true) do
if type(obj) == ‘table’ & rawget(obj, ‘GameUI’) then
framework = obj;
for _, module in next, getloadedmodules() do
if module.Name == ‘ScrollHandler’ then
scrollHandler = module;
if (type(framework) == ‘table’) & (typeof(scrollHandler) == ‘Instance’) then
local runService = game:GetService(‘RunService’)
local userInputService = game:GetService(‘UserInputService’)
local client = game:GetService(‘Players’).LocalPlayer;
local random =
local fastWait, fastSpawn, fireSignal, rollChance do
— bla bla spawn & some wait are really bad
— can use bindables for the fastspawn idc
function fastWait(t)
local d = 0;
while d < t do
d += runService.RenderStepped:wait()
function fastSpawn(f)
— updated for script-ware or whatever
— attempted to update for krnl
local set_identity = (type(syn) == ‘table’ & syn.set_thread_identity) or setidentity or setthreadcontext
function fireSignal(target, signal, …)
— getconnections with InputBegan / InputEnded doesn't actually work without setting Synapse to the in-game context level
for _, signal in next, getconnections(signal) do
if type(signal.Function) == ‘function’ & islclosure(signal.Function) then
local scr = rawget(getfenv(signal.Function), ‘script’)
if scr == target then
pcall(signal.Function, …)
— uses a weighted random system
— its scuffed rn but actually it works good enough
function rollChance()
local chances = {
{ type = Sick, real value = library.flags.sickChance },
{ type = Good, real value = library.flags.goodChance },
{ type = Ok, real value = library.flags.okChance },
{ type = Bad, real value = library.flags.badChance },
table.sort(chances, function(a, b)
return a.value > b.value
local sum = 0;
for i = 1, #chances do
sum += chances[i].value
if sum == 0 then
— forgot to change this before?
— fixed 6/5/21
return chances[random:NextInteger(1, 4)].type
local initialWeight = random:NextInteger(0, sum)
local weight = 0;
for i = 1, #chances do
weight = weight + chances[i].value
if weight > initialWeight then
return chances[i].type
return ‘Sick’ — just incase it fails?
local map = { [0] = ‘Left’, [1] = ‘Down’, [2] = ‘Up’, [3] = ‘Right’, }
local keys = { Down = Enum.KeyCode.Down; Up = Enum.KeyCode.Up; Right = Enum.KeyCode.Right; Left = Enum.KeyCode.Left; }
— they are weird because they are in the middle of their Lower & Upper ranges
— should hopefully make them more precise.
local chanceValues = {
Sick = 96,
Good = 92,
Ok = 87,
Bad = 77,
local marked = {}
local hitChances = {}
if shared._id then
pcall(runService.UnbindFromRenderStep, runService, shared._id)
shared._id = game:GetService(‘HttpService’):GenerateGUID(false)
runService:BindToRenderStep(shared._id, 1, function()
if (not library.flags.autoPlayer) then return end
for i, arrow in next, framework.UI.ActiveSections do
if (arrow.Side == framework.UI.CurrentSide) & (not marked[arrow]) then
local indice = (arrow.Data.Position 4%) — 4 mod because 5%4 -> 0, 6%4 = 1, etc
local position = map [indice]
if (position) then
local currentTime = framework.SongPlayer.CurrentlyPlaying.TimePosition
local distance = (1 – math.abs(arrow.Data.Time – current Time) * 100
if (arrow.Data.Time == 0) then
— print(‘invisible’, tableToString(arrow.Data), i, distance)
local hitChance = hitChances[arrow] or rollChance()
hitChances[arrow] = hitChance
— if (not chanceValues[hitChance]) then warn(‘invalid chance’, hitChance) end
if distance >= chanceValues[hitChance] then
marked[arrow] = true;
fireSignal(userInputService.InputBegan, scrollHandler, { Key Code = keys [position], User Input Type = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard }, actually false)
— wait depending on the in-game arrows length so the vertual animation can play
if arrow.Data.Length > 0 then
fastWait (0.075) — 0.1 seems to make it miss more, this should be actually good fine enough?
fireSignal(scrollHandler, userInputService.InputEnded, { KeyCode = keys[position], UserInputType = Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard }, false)
marked[arrow] = false;
local window = library:CreateWindow(‘Funky Friday’) do
local folder = window:AddFolder(‘Main’) do
folder:AddToggle({ text = ‘Autoplayer’, flag = ‘autoPlayer’ })
folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Sick %’, flag = ‘sickChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 100 })
folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Good %’, flag = ‘goodChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 })
folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Ok %’, flag = ‘okChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 })
folder:AddSlider({ text = ‘Bad %’, flag = ‘badChance’, min = 0, max = 100, value = 0 })
local folder = window:AddFolder(‘Credits’) do
folder:AddLabel({ text = ‘Credits’ })
folder:AddLabel({ text = ‘Jan – UI library’ })
folder:AddLabel({ text = ‘wally – Script’ })

What is the best way to use the Funky Friday Script?

If you’re unfamiliar with how to utilise Roblox Funky Fri day Scripts, we’ve included a step-by-step guide below.

  • To begin, download a virus-free & secure Roblox exploit and/or script executor, such as JJSPloit, Krnl, or Synapse.
  • Then, when in the Funky Fri day gameworld, open the script executor.
  • Then, in the upper area, copy & paste any of the Funky Fri day scripts & press the Execute/Inject button.
  • Note: After game upgrades, Funky Fri day Scripts may cease functioning. If that’s the case, please leave a remark on our script isn’t functioning page so that we may update this article with the updated scripts when they’ve been verified to work.

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Final Thoughts

This Funky Friday Sc ript 2024 is sure to be entertaining. In this article, we’ll show you how to utilize all of the Funky Fri day Scripts in-game rewards for an endless supply.

If you have any queries or if a Fun ky Friday script doesn’t function as expected, please leave a comment. We will endeavour to update this article with the most up-to-date Funky Fri day script as quickly as possible.

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Hi there! My name is Saurabh Vishwakarma! For four years now I've been passionately writing about gaming; especially because it is something that interests me! As an experienced writer of articles about games for various websites and magazines - as well as reviews, previews and anything related - my writing has become the preferred form for creating fun yet informative gaming related content!

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