List borderlands 3 boost code Diamond, April 2024

Nobody dislikes getting free stuff every now and again – if that describes you then we have just the thing for you: Gearbox’s Vault Insider Program has been created specifically to keep gamers engaged for longer (VIP points can be used by players to purchase additional weapons and cosmetics – we have collected an exhaustive selection of Borderlands 3 VIP codes as a special thank you.

Gearbox originally provided an abundance of VIP codes, though their number seems to have decreased recently. We will show how to utilize these vouchers effectively – now is the time to explore all Borderlands 3 VIP Codes so don’t waste anymore time; different kinds of codes exist such as Vault codes, Shift codes, Email codes, Creator codes, Diamond codes and Boost codes among many others!

VIP Creator codes for Borderlands 3 boost code

  • GRIMMBONEZE3 – Creator – 200 points
  • LUCKYBONEZE3 – Creator 200 points
  • AdmiralBahrooE3 – 200 points
  • NAYSYE3 – Creator – 200 points
  • CURE4KIDS – Creator – 500 points
  • Joltzdude139E3 – 200 points
  • Ki11ersixE3 – 200 points
  • KingGothalionE3 – 200 points
  • GREGORONKH – Creator – 250 points
  • DOKTORFROID-BL3LAUNCH – Creator – 200 points
  • EARLYACCESS – Creator – 500 points
  • PietSmietE3 – 200 points
  • ProfessorBromanE3 – 200 points
  • TessachkaE3 – 200 points
  • BONJWA-BL3LAUNCH – Creator – 200 points
  • PIETSMIET-BL3LAUNCH – Creator – 200 points
  • LARALOFT-BL3LAUNCH – Creator – 200 points
  • COHHVIP – Creator – 250 points
  • Dammit2HellE3 – 200 points
  • EdEMonsterE3 – 200 points
  • GronkhE3 – 200 points
  • MitsuShowE3 – 200 points
List borderlands 3 boost code Diamond, 2024

Permanent VIP Shift codes for Borderland 3

Shift codes for Borderlands 3 expire fairly quickly. Thus, we’ve listed these permanent Shift codes that you can use to try your luck with the Golden Chests.

  • ZFKJ3-TT6FF-KTFKT-T3JJT-JWX36 – 1 Golden Key
  • Z65B3-JCXX6-5JXW3-3B33J-9SWT6 – 1 Golden Key
  • ZRWBJ-ST6XR-CBFKT-JT3J3-FRXJ5 – 1 Golden Key
  • 9XCBT-WBXFR-5TRWJ-JJJ33-TX53Z – 1 Golden Key
  • ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H – 3 Golden Keys

VIP Email codes for Borderlands 3

As the name suggests, these are the codes received via email by VIP members.

  • 2kLove – 500 VIP points
  • ALMOSTTHERE – 1000 VIP points
  • BL3ATE3 – 250 VIP points
  • BL3REVEAL – 100 VIP points
  • BL3WELCOME – 250 VIP points
  • ABCEASYAS123 – 250 VIP points
  • BUILDURSQUAD – 250VIP points
  • CLAPTASTIC – 250 VIP points
  • Dasherz – 250 VIP points
  • DUCTTAPEMOD – 250 VIP points
  • FIGHT4SANCTUARY – 250 VIP points
  • FORTNITEXMAYHEM – 250 VIP points
  • FRESHBOOTY – 250 VIP points
  • HEYSUGAR – 250 VIP points
  • ITSHERE – 1000 VIP points
  • JABBER – 1000 VIP points
  • LESSTHANTHREE – 250 VIP points
  • ONTHEHUNT – 250 VIP points
  • LOOTLOOTLOOT – 250 VIP points
  • MADSKILLZ – 250 VIP points
  • MYMAIN – 250 VIP points
  • OVERCLOCKED – 250 VIP points
  • OVERONEBILLION – 250 VIP points
  • POWERUPEMAIL – 250 VIP points
  • SOHAPPYTOGETHER – 250 VIP points
  • Unblinkingeye – 1000 VIP points

VIP Vault codes for Borderlands 3

  • AIRLEMAGVIP – 250 VIP points
  • ALLYOURGAMESVIP – 100 VIP points
  • DIGISTRUCT – 250 VIP points
  • GAMEMANIAVIP – 100  VIP points
  • GAMEVIP – 100 VIP points
  • INTERTOYSVIP – 100 VIP points
  • JOYPUKE – 300 VIP points
  • JVMVIP – 250 VIP points
  • LOADINGBAR – 250 VIP points
  • MAYHEM – 250 VIP points
  • MEDIAMARKTVIP – 100 VIP points
  • NEDGAMEVIP – 100s VIP points
  • PLAYERONEVIP – 100 VIP points
  • PWR2PLYRS – 250 VIP points
  • SEVENDAYS – 250 VIP points
  • SMARTOYSVIP – 100 VIP points
  • YOURGAMEZONEVIP – 100 VIP points
  • ITSABOUTTIME – 500 VIP points
  • DIGISTRUCT – 250 VIP points
  • AIRLEMAGVIP – 250 VIP points
  • DREAMLANDVIP – 100 VIP points
  • EHRENMANN – 200 VIP points
  • BOLVIP – 100 VIP points
  • IGNVIP – 250 VIP points
  • ILOVEBAGUETTE – 200 VIP points
  • ITSBEEN – 250 VIP points
  • MYCHILIRECIPE – 250 VIP points
  • WEGOTUBOO – 200 VIP points
  • CAOSENMGW – 500 VIP points
  • RISENGRIND – 250 VIP points
  • SPLODEOS – 250 VIP points
  • SPOOKYSCARY – 250 VIP points
  • BLOODYHARVEST – 250 VIP points
  • VIP-BOXCONCEPT – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-PHOTOBOOTH – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-CHARCONCEPT – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-CALYPSO – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-ENVART – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-MOXXI – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-COV – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-GIFTSHOP – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-GUNWALL – 200 VIP points
  • VIP-REDCHEST – 200 VIP points

borderlands 3 Diamond and VIP Boost Keys

While Vault, Shift, Email and Creator codes may be widely distributed online, Boost and Diamond codes tend to be much rarer in circulation online. Each person can only enter one Boost code at any given time; entering it can yield you many points; similarly Diamond codes provide multiple benefits but currently none of such examples can be found online.

Summing up

According to our knowledge, these are all available Borderlands 3 VIP codes at present. There are, of course, specific Twitter accounts you should follow if you want the newest VIP codes as soon as they become available – for instance dgSHiFTCodes, Borderlands and GearboxOfficial can offer quick updates when new codes become available – otherwise this collection of Borderlands 3 VIP codes has come full circle!

If you are curious about fast travel in Doom Eternal, read up. Likewise if you play Call of Duty: Warzone seriously then take note of these optimal mouse settings.

Hi there! My name is Saurabh Vishwakarma! For four years now I've been passionately writing about gaming; especially because it is something that interests me! As an experienced writer of articles about games for various websites and magazines - as well as reviews, previews and anything related - my writing has become the preferred form for creating fun yet informative gaming related content!

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