Tales Of Tanorio Type Tier List 2024: Chose your Best Character

Tales Of Tanorio Type Tier List: Tales of Tanorio provides Roblox players with an engaging adventure. While traversing its vibrant terrains and facing formidable foes, mastering various elemental types is key in reaching victory – don’t hesitate – unleash Tales of Tanorio today and embark upon this incredible journey.

Tales Of Tanorio Type Tier List

What is Tales Of Tanorio Type Tier List:

Tier lists categorize elements based on their effectiveness in battle, so here is an outline of some commonly utilized tiers:

  • S-Tier: These elements offer exceptional offensive and defensive abilities, making them highly desired components for competitive play.
  • A-Tier: Elements in this tier are potent contenders, offering a strong balance between offense and defense.
  • B-Tier: Tier two competitors represent strong opponents that offer both offensive and defensive capabilities.
  • C-Tier: Attributes in this tier may be appropriate in specific scenarios but could struggle against more dominant types.

Dominating the Battlefield: S-Tier and A-Tier Types

Let’s delve deeper into some key components that currently stand out in Tales of Tanorio metagame:


Tales Of Tanorio
TypeDefensive ResistancesOffensive Advantages
MetalFire, Ghost, Dragon, FightingGem, Ghost, Dark, Cosmic
LightFire, Ghost, Fairy, Dragon, FightingGem, Dark, Poison, Ghost, Dark, Cosmic


Tales Of Tanorio Type Tier List
TypeOffensive AdvantagesDefensive ResistancesVulnerabilities
FireGrass, Electric, IceWater, Earth, RockWater, Earth, Rock
ElectricWater, Flying, MetalGround, GrassGround, Grass
WaterFire, Earth, Rock FusionWater, Ice, Fire, Ice FusionGrass, Electricity, Cosm

Strategizing for Success: B-Tier and C-Tier Types

Reduce risk by tapping into lower-tier elements. Here is how you can strategically integrate them into your team:


Tales Of Tanorio
TypeDefensive ResistancesOffensive AdvantagesVulnerabilities
EarthElectric, Poison, Rock
GrassWater, Ground, RockFire, Ground, RockFire, Fly, Ice, Bug


TypeDefensive VulnerabilitiesOffensive Advantages
FightingNormal, Rock, Steel, Dark
BugGrass, Psychic, DarkGrass, Psychic, Dark

How to build a Balanced Team?

The creation of a balanced team for Tales of Tanorio requires careful evaluation of the type coverage and moving set tactics. Below is an example group composition which exemplifies the principles of

  1. Flamogor (Fire/Dragon)
    • Moves: Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Protect
    • Role: Special Attacker/Tank
    • What it does: Flamogor provides powerful fire-based moves that can be used against bugs, grass and ice varieties, while its dragon typing is able to cover other dragons as well as water types. Protect protects against high-impact hits, while Earthquake takes care of the rock and electric type.
  2. Aquablade (Water/Steel)
    • Moves: Surf, Iron Head, Ice Beam, Recover
    • Role: Physical Attacker/Support
    • The reason it works: Aquablade’s water and steel type gives it the ability to resist a wide range of forces. Surf is a strong offensive based on water Iron Head covers the fairy and rock types and Ice Beam takes care of the dragon and grass types. Recover can benefit maintain the longevity of your character when fighting.
  3. Thunderpounce (Electric/Fighting)
    • Moves: Thunderbolt, Close Combat, Volt Switch, Fake Out
    • Role: Speedy Attacker/Disruptor
    • The reason it works: Thunderpounce’s electric typing is able to deal with flying and water types. Its fighting tactics are a challenge to darkness, ice, as well as regular types. Volt Switch allows it to change out in a strategic manner, while keeping momentum and the fake Out is a way to disrupt your opponents’ strategy.
  4. Sylvanarch (Grass/Fairy)
    • Moves: Giga Drain, Moonblast, Leech Seed, Reflect
    • Role: Special Attacker/Support
    • The reason it works: Sylvanarch’s grass typing works well against ground, water, and rock types. Moonblast is able to handle dark, dragon combat, and dark types. Leech Seed and Reflect add its role as a supporter as they drain enemies’ health as well as reducing the damage sustained by the group.
  5. Volcaroach (Bug/Fire)
    • Moves: Bug Buzz, Fire Blast, Quiver Dance, Roost
    • Role: Special Attacker/Setup Sweeper
    • What it does: Volcaroach’s bug and fire typing cover steel, grass, and psychic type characters energetically. Quiver Dance increases its power and makes it an effective sweeper. Roost is healthy and strong during long fights.
  6. Terrazard (Ground/Rock)
    • Moves: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Stealth Rock, Toxic
    • Role: Physical Attacker/Entry Hazard Setter
    • What it does: Terrazard provides ground protection from poison and electric kinds, and it’s rock typing can handle bugs, flying, and fire type of attacks. Stealth Rock is crucial for chip destruction, as well as Toxic could suffocate bulky competitors.

This group works together because of its broad kind of coverage. This makes it able to deal with the wide variety of enemies. Every Tenorian is assigned a particular task, ranging from setting up dangers and providing assistance in launching powerful attacks and disrupting the strategies of enemy players. Combining offensive strength and defensive tactics ensures the team is able to adapt to various combat situations.

Advanced Tactics

Utilizing Weather Effects

  • Weather Control Make use of Tenorians which can invoke weather conditions such as Rain Dance or Sunny Day to increase certain kinds of dance moves (e.g. water, fire) while weakening others (e.g. for example, fire during the sun or rain in).
  • Synergy Combining weather-related effects together with Tenorians which can benefit their effects, like water-related movements being boosted during rain, or increasing the use of solar beams in sunlight.

Status Conditions

  • Inflicting Status Utilize status indicators such as burn, paralysis, or poison to incapacitate adversaries. Like, with Thunder Wave to slow down fast Tenorians, or toxic to take down large opponents.
  • Defensive Status Moves Make use of status movements like Will-O’Wisp to destroy physical attackers and reduce their damage output.

Strategic Switching

  • prediction: Anticipate opponents’ actions and change Tenorians to recieve the advantage of type or to avoid hitting super-effectively.
  • Turning around: Use moves like Volt Switch or U-turn to change out and deal the damage, retaining momentum as well as putting favorable Tenorians in the field.

Resources for Further Learning

Players who want to improve their understanding of and boost their strategy in Tales of Tanorio, the listed resources below can prove to be extremely useful:

  • Official tales from Tanorio Wiki: A comprehensive source of information about Tenorians and their moves, capabilities and gameplay mechanics.
  • Community Forums: Engage with fellow players, exchange strategies, and seek help with team building as well as combat strategies.
  • Popular YouTubers:
    • TanorioMaster: Videos on sophisticated strategies, team-building and deep game analysis.
    • BattleGenius: Tutorials, Battle replays, and tips for understanding all features of this game.

When they explore these resources gamers can recieve important insights as well as stay up-to-date with the most recent techniques and meta-trends improving their overall gaming enjoyment in Tales of Tanorio.


Understanding the Tales of Tanorio Type Tier List will enable you to make well-informed choices when creating your Tales of Tanorio team.

Experimentation and strategic thought both play key roles; with such knowledge at your fingertips and creativity at play, your Tales of Tanorio adventure could turn out successful.

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I'm a 21 years old currently a part of a content writer in officialroms, i love to write about gaming, anime and about the latest technology too.

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