How to tame a Quetzal in Ark: Solo and Duo

How to tame a Quetzal in Ark: The Quetzal is the undisputed ruler of the skies in Ark: Survival Evolved. Quetzal’s can be transformed into air fortresses, mobile mining platforms, or airborne taming hubs thanks to their platform-building capabilities.

Getting your hands on the first Quetz in Ark can be challenging, and there are a number strategies for doing so, but taming a Quetz usually goes more smoothly when more people are involved.

How to tame a Quetzal in Ark

What is a Quetzal in Ark Survival Evolved

In Ark, you can spot a Quetzal soaring above you, and this bird’s regular routine involves a lot of flight. To avoid being shot or assaulted, it will always try to escape. Contrary to popular belief, you will never find a quetzal on the ground.

Though it lacks the strength to engage the hunter in battle, it is extremely wary of humans. The difficulty in taming it stems from the fact that it runs away the moment it is disturbed. When tamed, they can’t move as quickly as they would if startled, but they still serve a few purposes for players.

Given their size in comparison to other flying animals in Ark, and the length of their necks, carnivorous prey is likely to make up the bulk of their diet.

Normal quetzals are offered at a discount of around 20% from the standard quetzal, whereas the Tek quetzal is exceptionally rare and is offered at a premium of about 40% from the normal quetzal. The already low spawning rate (5%) simply makes them more of a rarity. So, in Ark: Survival Evolved, it’s best to avoid that particular Quetzal.

Preparation to tame a Quetzal in Ark

  1. Grappling hooks (minimum 5)
  2. Pots of health and strength (full stacks)
  3. Tranq rifle with sleeping pills (100)
  4. Toolset (axe & pickaxe).
  5. Favorite weapons (expect large and small enemies)
  6. fiber (100) (100)
  7. narcotics (20+)
  8. raw prime meat if stocked; raw meat for taming (100+)
  9. Quetzal saddle

If you’re going it alone, add these things:

Pteranodons (2)

Parachutes (minimum 20).

Try to Tame Solo

Solo Quetzal taming is challenging due to the many factors that must be considered and the arduous nature of preparing for every eventuality. However, this remains the only option for solo Ark gamers.

How to tame quetzal ARK solo

Mount one of the birds, and then have the other bird follow the lone tamer at the closest feasible interval (to do this, interact with the dinosaur, go to the “behavior” option, and then pick “lowest”). If a player spots a Quetz in the skies, they should fly their bird over it, dismount, utilize the parachute, and fire as many tranqs as they can into the bird. Never attempt to catch a Quetzal in a dangerous region; doing so could cause it to lose consciousness and fall into a body of water, where it would likely perish.

Players should aim to remount one of the two Pteranodons as they fall and fire into the Quetz. You need to dismount, fire shots into the Quetz, and then try to remount one of the two Pteras in order to continue chasing it and eventually overtaking it. Considering how quickly the Quetz starts to move once engaged, it’s a laborious and time-consuming process.

Players should keep shooting at the Quetz even when it is in “flee-mode,” as doing so will speed the taming process. It is possible to render a Quetz unconscious by engaging just after flee mode has been disabled, however doing so can take several hours.

Take note: bolas may be used to force the Quetzal to the ground. Parachuting onto the bird itself doesn’t seem to fix the hitbox issues that prevent this strategy from working.

Execution in tandem

One player flies a bird with great stamina, while the other is grabbed in its talons, engaging the Quetzal until it falls. This makes taming a Quetzal much easier if you have pals on the same server. Even if parachutes aren’t required, you should still proceed with caution; it’s not unheard of to mistakenly shoot the bird that’s carrying you, ending the hunt in spectacular manner.

Read also

The tamed

The Quetz will begin its free fall to the ground after it recoils and flops flat in midair. As soon as it is safe to do so, get down to the ground and start cleaning the area: get the fiber out of storage, cut down some trees, and begin constructing spikes to create a makeshift fence around the bird. These tames can be time-consuming, so it’s annoying when a carnivore breaks through and devours your hard work.

After creating a perimeter with wooden stakes, you should equip your makeshift fortification with torches to aid with nighttime visibility and ward off any potential enemies (unless you’re on a server that allows player versus player combat). Having access to raw prime flesh will greatly speed up the taming process; however, players should be aware of the risk/reward trade-off, since death at the hands of a large beast could result in the loss of the tame entirely, which is arguably worse than the tame taking time.

If there are two hunters, one should tend to the unconscious Quetzal, making sure it stays out of harm’s way, while the other goes after the best raw meat in the region. A hunter’s use of flare guns to find their way back to the tame can be helpful, but they also risk drawing unwelcome attention to the tame’s location.


If you read the information provided here regarding the “How to tame a Quetzal in Ark,” you should have a much better grasp of the situation. We’d love to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you might have in the space provided below. Don’t be reluctant to seek assistance when you feel you need it.

Aakash Srivastava
Aakash Srivastava
AAkash has been an avid gamer since he was a youngster. He enjoys spending his time evaluating and writing reviews for both video games and technological products. That is, whenever he is not too busy strolling aimlessly around the streets of Los Santos.

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