Hogwarts Legacy Revelio Pages List 2024: Clarified

Hogwarts Legacy Revelio Pages: Harry Potter Legacy One of the numerous collectibles in the Harry Potter RPG are revelio sheets, which may be difficult to understand. After the introduction, you’ll likely discover a few of them, and as you would guess, you’ll need to utilise Revelio to locate them. But how exactly do they function?

In Hogwarts Legacy, revelio pages fall under the same classification as field guides and flying pages, but they also vary somewhat. You might have noticed that Revelio pages in particular are monitored in-game, as each one offers a tiny bit of lore about the subject in question, whether it’s something like the Great Hall, which every Harry Potter fan knows and recognises in the open-world game, or a cluster of beehives in a hamlet miles away from the castle. The following information is pertinent to the collectible.

Hogwarts Legacy Revelio Pages: What are they?

Hogwarts Legacy Revelio Pages

Revelio papers are valuables in Hogwarts Legacy that can only be seen by casting it using the R key on PC or left on the d-pad on controller. Until you cast it, you’ll only see a shadowy figure. For it to appear, you must be close to the page and facing it.

Hogwarts Legacy Revelio Pages: How to Collect?

The Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and Highlands Legacy Revelio has 150 pages. They’re often located near sites like Hogwarts’ Central Hall Fountain, Hogsmeade’s Ollivanders Wand Store, and The Highlands’ Feldcroft Well. Collecting one earns 80 Points and advances the Hogwarts Legacy field guide pages challenge.

Hogsmeade Revelio Pages (30)

  1. The Three Broomsticks – You will be able to find this page near a fireplace featuring Revelio.
  2. Three Broomsticks Private Room – Hidden behind locked doors on the second-floor at Three Broomsticks lies their private room for use exclusively by members and friends of Three Broomsticks.
  3. Butterbeer Barrels – North side of The 3 Broomsticks.
  4. Ceridwen’s Precarious Cauldrons – This store can be found opposite Tome and Scrolls.
  5. Sneakoscope can be found at Dervish and Banges – which shares space with Gladrags – sitting on a small table by the window.
  6. Dogweed and Deathcap Tree – To the north of our shop is located the Dogweed and Deathcap Trees.
  7. Hogsmeade Community Garden can be found to the east of West Hogsmeade Floo Flame.
  8. Gladrags Mannequin – Inside Wizardwear Gladrags Collection.
  9. Gladrags Wizardwear – To find Revelio outside this store to the east.
  10. Hog’s Head Docks – At the back of Hog’s Head is an array of crates with lanterns atop.
  11. Mounted Hog’s Head – Taken inside Hogsmeade West Hogsmeade south of J. Pippins in West Hogsmeade is this mounted Hog’s Head that stands outside its exterior wall and displays images inside of it.
  12. Exploding Bonbons – Inside Honeydukes near the cash desk are hundreds of exploding bonbons!
  13. Honeydukes – To reach them from Hogsmeade northeastward, Revelio should be used.
  14. Honeydukes has an assortment of fizzing Whizzbies on display.
  15. Revelio can also be used on the Magic Neep Cart outside its use as well.
  16. Abandoned Shop – On your northernmost trip, look for The Old Fool for some extra entertainment; its door bears an advertisement of Revelio page!
  17. Ollivanders Wand Shop – Take Revelio outside to access this Field Guide page from Ollivander’s Wand Shop.
  18. J. Pippin’s Potions – You can Use Revelio on the stove behind Mr. Pippin.
  19. Hengist of Woodcroft – This large tree stands in the centre of Woodcroft Square to the North.
  20. Magical Mail – Enjoy magical mail at the post office next door to Steepley and Sons.
  21. Shrivenshaft Cats – Find Shrivenshoft Cats inside its Quill shop located on Hogsmeade Square near Gladrags (opposite).
  22. Spintwitches for Sports Needs – Shown here on a model in store.
  23. Tea Shop Decor – Step inside Steepley and Sons Teashop off Hogsmeade square to view their elegant interior decor.
  24. Enchanted Staircase – Discovered within Tomes and Scrolls in South Hogsmeade.
  25. Brood and Peck is to the left of the store when entering through its front entrance; by its feeding area.
  26. Hogsmeade – There is a page written on a stone wall before entering Hogsmeade by Harry Potter himself.
  27. Water Well – Situated southeast of Madam Snelling’s Tress Emporium.
    Dungbomb – Upstairs at Zonko’s.
  28. Frog Spawn Soap can be found downstairs in Zonko’s.
  29. Zonko’s Joke Shop – Zonko is located at the center of town; his door can be found easily from any direction in town. His webpage can also be seen displayed.

Hogwarts Revelio Pages (90)

  • Tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy – At the base of the first set of stairs in Astronomy Tower, immediately in an adjoining corridor is where this tapestry may be found.
  • Astronomy Telescope – Situated on the top floor of Astronomy Tower within Astronomy Wing.
  • Partial Transfiguration can be found in the Transfiguration Classroom within Astronomy Wing.
  • Portrait of Baruffio – You can find this artwork near where Mr Moon stands waiting to receive his Demiguise statues in the South Wing of the Facility Tower.
  • Broken Broom – At the Bell Tower Wing Lobby.
  • Flattened Armour – Opposite the Broken Broom in the Bell Tower lobby in Bell Tower Wing is this flattened armour.
  • Goblin Artefact – Can be found in the Bell Tower lobby and inside of its Wing (up the steps to the south).
  • Three Sisters Bells can be found inside of Bell Tower’s lobby and its Wing.
  • Scorch Marks are located within the Bell Tower lobby and Bell Tower Wing (up the stairs on the south end, opposite to Goblin Artefact).
  • Grimwald Weft can be found in the Bell Tower lobby (part of History of Magic class). While this does not alter Hogwarts Field Guide Pages counter, but does show up on Revelio Cards screen within Collection.
  • Frog Choir – At the top of one of the Bell Towers and up the steps leading past Scorch Marks located within its Bell Tower Wing is where Frog Choir takes place.
  • Waving Knight – Part of the History of Magic class at Hogwarts, this icon appears in the Bell Tower lobby (and doesn’t change Hogwarts Field Guide Pages counter, yet does appear on Revelio Cards screen in Collection).
  • History of Magic Windows – To explore this subject further, head into the History of Magic Classroom located southwest from Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.
  • Wooden Cat – Situated within the Bell Tower lobby and within its Bell Tower Wing (up the stairs to the north).
  • Black Lake – At the boathouse near Great Hall region is where an abandoned boat sits.
  • The Underground Harbour – To access, from the boat dock in the Great Hall area, head south into the caves; page is found on an east-side pier.
  • Arithmancy Classroom – There is a puzzle door high up in the rafters of Central Hall itself on the same level of Divinations Classroom’s Floo Flame (head west from it). Solution for it: 4 + 3 = Library Annex room where Revelio page lies hidden away behind said puzzle door.
  • Central Hall Fountain in Library Annex; Clock Mechanics in Clock Tower from Hospital Wing and use Revelio on cogs in this way;
  • The Well of Four Beasts can be found in the Clock Tower Courtyard (if entering from the bridge). Haunted Toilets – From Lachlan statue in bottom of Gryffindor Tower head north-northwest and find padlocked door containing Revelio lock; use Revelio on this door to enter!
  • Augury Skeleton – To the west from Defence Against Dark Arts Tower Floo Flame, on its northwest wall lies Augury Skeleton.
  • Boggart Closet – To access it, head to the gargoyle room on the ground floor of Defence Against Dark Arts Tower and look for room 114.
  • Dark Tower Cell – To reach it, ascend the steps in Charms Classroom and pass through its locked door, proceeding upward until reaching roof where level 2 lock has been placed on a cell that contains Revelio pages.
  • Hebridean Black Skeleton – On display in our Defensive Arts Classroom.
  • Painting of Illyius – On the ground floor of the Defence Against Dark Arts Tower and Astronomy Wing in Defence against Dark Arts Tower is this painting depicting Illyius.
  • Serpentine Beast Window – Situated a floor below from Defence Against the Dark Arts Floo Flame and near to rhino statue, is this window.
  • Professor Sharp’s Auror Badge can be seen displayed prominently within Potions Classroom and Library Annex as well as sitting atop Professor Sharp’s desk in each location.
  • Gorgon Painting – Starting in the Bell Tower Courtyard and heading straight ahead, solve the puzzle door on the right (? = 2,?? = 1) before entering through it to find this painting in its proper home within. Collectible item for Library Annex!
  • Urn of Ashes – Found within the Dungeons and accessible from the bottom of stairs in North Hall in Bell Tower Wing.Salazar Slytherin’s Scriptorium – You will gain entry during Sebastian relationship quest “In the Shadow of the Study.” As soon as you walk in, page will turn immediately before your eyes!
  • Map of Argyllshire – To access this map from Clock Tower, make your way down Gryffindor Tower until it reaches the lower section. Look out for its door on the left hand side at Gryffindor Tower’s footstep – inside this door will be this map!
  • Boris the Bewildered stands outside the Prefects’ Bathroom of Faculty Tower and can be seen here.
  • Lachlan the Lanky Statue – At the base of stairs northeast from the Map of Argyllshire there stands Lachlan the Lanky statue.
  • Adventure Novel Set – Onai’s office can be found on the first floor of Faculty Tower behind a level 2 locked door (near number puzzle door).
  • Prefects’ Bathroom – To visit this bathroom near Hospital Wing and Faculty Tower is near.
  • Honeydukes Passageway – Situated a few flights down from the top of Grand Staircase near One-Eyed Witch Passage.
  • Jewel-Encrusted Turtle – Found on a small landing between staircases in the Hospital Wing. Four flights up from One-Eyed Witch Passage entrance.
  • Quill of Acceptance and Book of Admittance – To gain entry through Professor Black’s office near this Revelio page (where this Revelio page resides) you need first learn how to pick level 2 and level 3 locks before picking their side doors up to his study in his study and collecting his Key of Admittance key, giving access to his Secret Door on same level with Headmaster Office Gargoyle with its mysteries.
  • Centaur Armor can be found outside of the trophy room and near the headmaster’s office; approximately north of Gate Up.
  • Moving Staircase – At the Grand Staircase itself, near its central column. A few floors from its summit.
  • Headmaster’s Office Gargoyle – To complete mission “The Polyjuice Plot,” head to the Headmaster’s Office. When speaking with its gargoyle gargoyle, use Revelio instead.
  • Goblet of Fire Casket – On display in the Trophy Room located atop of Grand Staircase.
  • House-Elf Armor – Can be found outside the trophy room near the gates to the headmaster’s office.
  • Sleeping Portraits can be found near the headmaster’s office; The Sorting Hat may also be found there.
  • Troll Armour – You will find Troll Armor opposite of the Trophy Room Floo Flame in its position in the room.
  • Trophy Room – On the upper levels, one of the northern cabinets sits atop of Grand Staircase to form the trophy room.
  • Hogwarts Architect – Situated between Housepoint Hourglasses in Reception Hall on their way to Great Hall is Hogwarts Architect.
  • The Great Hall Ceiling – To fully appreciate its beauty, stand near the entrance-side long tables in the Great Hall.
  • The Yawning Gargoyle can be seen just outside of Hufflepuff Common Room on a field above it.
  • Hogwarts Crest stands tall upon entering the Great Hall through its large doors from Viaduct Courtyard.
  • House Point Hourglasses – To reach this location from the Great Hall itself, head into its adjoining corridor through another door until reaching a room adorned with three hourglasses against its wall.
  • Owl Lectern – Situated near the stained glass window at the entrance to Great Hall itself.
  • Greenhouse Tree: When entering our greenhouse, this large tree greets us. Dirigible Plums – They reside inside (where Herbology classes will help teach about cabbages).
  • Bloody Meat – in a small room located within the stables on the western rampart wall outside.
  • Caged Bathtub – Situated within a small room on the ramparts near Quidditch arena.
  • Glumbumbles – To reach Glumbumbles from the Bell Tower Courtyard, proceed through its double doors and right. Follow the path through gardens towards greenhouses until you spot some beehive-looking structures on your left; use Revelio to obtain this page.
  • Castle Ramparts – Within one of the ramparts on the castle wall directly east of Hogwarts North Exit Flao Flame, and northeast of its large fountain at the heart of courtyard is where Hogwarts North Exit Flao Flame is housed, an archer is stationed.
  • Hogwarts Owlery – Page is located near the Quidditch pitch on top of Hogwart’s western cliffside Owlery and at its highest point.
  • Quidditch Pitch – To the south of Quidditch Pitch is a crumbling piece of castle wall which has broken away, leaving an opening.
  • Statue of Gregory the Smarmy – You can find this statue beneath the steps in the Main Central Hall in Library Annex near Potions Classroom.
  • Unicorn Fountain – Situated near the hospital ward on the top floor in South Wing and up several stairs from Prefects’ Bathroom, is this fountain known as Unicorn Fountain.
  • Hufflepuff Barrels – To reach them from Grand Staircase Floo Flame take side stairs down into basement where barrels can be found at back of room.
  • Kitchen Tables – Begin from the Grand Staircase Floo Flame by heading down its spiral staircase until reaching the lower-floor with all its barrels. On this floor will be an interactive painting depicting fruit that you can interact with to open a doorway to tables in the middle of the room; using Revelio you’ll locate this page!
  • Pear Portrait – Head down from the Grand Staircase Floo Flame via side stairs into the basement; as soon as you arrive there you’ll pass this pear portrait on your left as soon as you enter it.
    House-Elf Living Quarters – From the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, take the spiral staircase down until reaching the bottom floor with all its barrels. At this level there will be an artwork depicting fruit which you can interact with to open a doorway; step through it, head south east towards Revelio and eventually find what page Revelio provides!
  • House-Elf Recipe Book – While taking down from Grand Staircase floo flame and heading toward Hufflepuff Barrels.
  • The Old Librarian – Though literally located within a library, this Revelio Page counts towards Bell Tower Field Guide Pages. From the Library Floo Flame, head up spiral staircase and use Revelio on large portrait of wizard directly above it for maximum impact!
  • Enchanted Books – in the Restrictive Area in the Library (down two flights of stairs). Palmistry Model – inside Divination Classroom.
  • Book of Intermediate Transfiguration – Take Sophronia Franklin’s quiz and return her book using Revelio; this quest can be found upstairs near the back of the library.
  • Alchemy Class – To find it, take an elevator down from Bell Wing’s Dungeon Level 2, past Level 2 locked door number 3, into Alchemy Classroom located next to Sleeping Dragon statue in Dungeons of Bell Wing Level 2, where this classroom can be found behind Level 2 locked doors.
  • Important Muggle Artifact – Discovered within a Muggle Studies classroom located behind a Level 1 locked door of Bell Wing Dungeon near Sleeping Dragon statue.
  • Sleeping Dragon Statue – Underneath the Bell Tower can be found an immense statue. Use the southern book in the Bell Tower lobby to reach North Hall Stairwell and descend there for easier access – you simply cannot miss it! The statue stands nearly four metres in height! You won’t miss seeing this amazing sight.
  • At the back of the History of Magic Classroom in Bell Tower Wing is an exquisite Sphinx statue.
  • Werewolf Saga Tapestries – To reach this area from the North Hall of the Bell Tower Wing, descend the steps and into a dungeon. Step directly ahead onto an intriguing tapestry with an image of woman and letter K, only to discover it is actually an entranceway! Step through, enter this K doorway, then continue into another large room filled with tapestries using revelio to unlock one page by using one tapestry as cover!
  • Groundskeeper’s Tools – Found at a house along the route from Hogwarts to Lower Hogsfield; technically part of the open world but counts as an actual collectible from Hogwarts.
  • Fat Lady Portrait – From the Faculty Tower Floo Flame, follow your sense of sight southward until reaching a spiral staircase and ascend one flight of steps; upon reaching its summit you should spot Fat Lady portrait at the end of a dead-end corridor.
  • Ravenclaw Bust – Near the Grand Staircase and on its route towards Ravenclaw Common Room within Ravenclaw Tower is this impressive monument depicting Ravenclaw himself.
  • Ravenclaw Doorknocker – At the top of Ravenclaw Tower stands a door that leads directly into Ravenclaw Common Room. It can only be entered using this key.
  • Deathday Party Room – To access it, enter through a gate with Level 1 lock in Slytherin Dungeons through an access gate followed by an arched corridor and walk directly into this party space.
  • Kelpie Statue – is located within the Slytherin Dungeons accessible through Viaduct Entrance of Library Annex.
  • Slytherin Sinks – Found within the girls’ bathroom of Slytherin Dungeon under the Great Hall, these sinks can be reached via an entrance in the Entrance Hall near to Great Hall.
  • Wyvern Statue in Transfiguration Courtyard.
  • Detention Chamber – Inside an unlocked door located on Level 2 in Slytherin Dungeons beneath Great Hall lies the Detention Chamber.
  • Headless Hunt Tapestry – Situated within Deathday Party Room through an unlocked gate leading into Slytherin Dungeons with Level 1 Lock system, and then following along a winding corridor is located here.
  • Pungent Passage – On the first landing of the Defence Against Dark Arts Tower, exit through the northwest door; this will lead to Pungent Corridor.
  • Portrait of Sir Cadogan – To reach it from Central Hall Floo Flame, climb ascendantly the staircases until reaching Viaduct Entrance; from there take stone stairs southwestward to reach balcony then backtrack north until reaching wall bearing portrait of Sir Cadogan.

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