What is com.dti.folderlauncher ? Explained Full Details

Android users, particularly those using custom launchers or third-party home screen replacements, may become unfamiliar with certain processes on their phone. One such process that might cause confusion for these Android users is “com.dti.folderlauncher.” In this blog post we hope to shed some light on this procedure by detailing its purpose and significance clearly and succinctly.

An Android launcher application controls your home screen – where apps, widgets and folders reside – by rendering its visual layout, handling app interactions and providing customization options. This core app may differ depending on manufacturer and device model; its default installation may differ accordingly.

What is com.dti.folderlauncher ? Explained Full Details

What is Com.dti.Folderlauncher?

At its core, “com.dti.folderlauncher” is simply the package name for an Android application on your device and in Google Play Store.

Role of com.dti.folderlauncher

While studying “com.dti.folderlauncher,” it’s essential to keep in mind there is limited public knowledge regarding this process; however, its name (“.folderlauncher”) suggests possible connections to folder management on the home screen.

Here are two potential scenarios regarding “com.dti.folderlauncher”:

Custom Launcher Functionality: “com.dti.folderlauncher” could be associated with one of your custom launcher applications that provide extensive customization features, such as how folders appear and behave on your home screen. In such an instance, “com.dti.folderlauncher” would likely handle folder creation, opening, and visual management in their user interface of said launcher application.

Manufacturer-Specific Launcher Feature: “com.dti.folderlauncher” could also be linked with the default launcher preinstalled by your manufacturer (dti could indicate brand or model name). This process might be responsible for folder related features built-into your stock launcher app.

Limit Public Information

At any point when encountering processes you are unfamiliar with, caution must always be observed. Due to limited public knowledge on “com.dti.folderlauncher,” it would be prudent to avoid interfering with it until having sufficient insight into its source and function. Here’s a way around this situation:

Locate the Source: If you installed a custom launcher recently, review its documentation or contact its developer’s website for guidance regarding “com.dti.folderlauncher.”

System App versus Third-Party Apps: If “com.dti.folderlauncher” appears on an uncustomized launcher device without custom customizations installed, this may indicate it’s part of an Android system process and should not be modified without expert knowledge and prior consultation. Tampering with system processes could cause unexpected behavior or instability and should therefore only be undertaken if advanced skills exist in Android development.

Monitor and Observe: If you’re uncertain as to the origins of “com.dti.folderlauncher,” but are experiencing no detrimental impacts, for now monitoring might suffice. If however any unusual battery drain, performance issues, or app crashes arise due to “com.dti.folderlauncher” activity on your phone – consider reaching out for assistance via an independent technical expert or device manufacturer’s support channel as this might require professional expertise or service channels from professionals such as antivirus programs and device makers themselves.

How to Download and Utilize FolderLauncher (Explain).

Are You Searching For FolderLauncher on Android Device? Search Google Play Store by typing in FolderLauncher or searching with “FolderLauncher”. Once found, choose it from among the list of results!

Once installed and opened, simply follow the on-screen instructions to create custom folders and shortcuts.

How to Uninstall com.dti.folderlauncher Package

While uninstalling the com.dti.folderlauncher from your phone may seem tempting, we strongly discourage doing so as doing so could interfere with other related functions and crash the home screen launcher. Should you still wish to move ahead with this decision here are two methods you may use in doing so:

Installing and configuring ADB on your PC is an alternative to root access. We explain these methods below.

Uninstall using ADB

Follow these steps to uninstall com.dti.folderlauncher from your phone using ADB:

  • Start by installing ADB by visiting either the Android Developer site or downloading ADB directly. For instructions, visit either one.
  • After installing ADB, connect your Android smartphone via USB. Open up a command prompt or terminal window on your desktop PC and locate ADB in its directory.
  • Check ADB device recognition with “adb devices.” If it does not appear, enable USB debugging and reboot ADB.
  • Use ADB Shell and PM List Packages to gain access to your device’s shell and view installed packages, including “com.dti.folderlauncher.”
  • PM uninstall -k –user 0 com.dti.folderlauncher will uninstall the program and its data. When this step has completed, type quit to exit shell mode and close all app or service windows).
  • After using ADB on your PC, disconnect it immediately from it.
  • An incorrect use of ADB could damage your device. Please read all instructions and double-check commands prior to running them.

    Now is a good time to delete this app from your phone, since com.dti.folderlauncher can potentially pose security threats and must be kept off.

    How to Uninstall using System App Remover

    To use System App Remover app to uninstall com.dti.folderlauncher on an Android phone with full root access. Here’s how:

    • System App Remover can be easily obtained and downloaded from Google Play Store.
    • Launch the application and grant all necessary permissions.
    • Search the search bar for “com.dti.folderlauncher”.
    • Once you’ve located an app, simply click its name to access its info page.
    • Click “Uninstall” to delete com.dti.folderlauncher from your phone.
    • Confirm that you would like to uninstall an application.
    • Wait for the uninstall process to finish before beginning again.


    Do I already have the com.dti.folderlauncher installed?

    No, com.dti.folderlauncher is not an Android application bundled by default; rather it serves as the package name used by an external FolderLauncher app.

    Can I customize the appearance of my custom folders in FolderLauncher?

    FolderLauncher allows users to customize the appearance of their custom folders through various colors, icons and styles.

    Can FolderLauncher run on all Android devices?

    FolderLauncher is designed to work on most Android devices running Android 5.0 or later.


    FolderLauncher, an Android third party app, allows users to easily create customized folders on their home screens by adding shortcuts for apps, contacts and other items. While generally safes for use, users should exercise caution when installing third-party applications.

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