Kage Tycoon Codes (April 2024): Newly Released Codes

All the gamers are you looking for the new codes of Kage Tycoon ? Then you have came to right place where you will get all newly released latest codes. These codes are used by gamers for getting new rewards and upgrades. It can also help to progress in game easily. Head to the below section of the post and enjoy new rewards by redeeming new codes.

Kage Tycoon is a tycoon game on Roblox that takes inspiration from the Naruto universe. In the game, you have the opportunity to construct your own base and a resource conveyor to generate income. Use your earnings to enhance your base and improve your gameplay experience.

Kage Tycoon Codes

What is Kage Tycoon?

Kage Tycoon is a Roblox game that draws inspiration from anime. It features elements of both tycoon style gameplay and PvP combat as well as a leveling up system. As a player your objective is to construct your Kage house in a tycoon style which includes adding floors, helpers and droppers to increase your earnings. Additionally you can engage in battles with other ninjas including both NPCs and other players, to advance your level and enhance your combat abilities. Throughout the game you can collect both normal and rebirth coins as you progress.

Kage Tycoon Codes (Active)

All working codes are provided here below:

50klikes20,000RC, EXP Boost, Money Boost, and RC Boost
125Kmembers12,500RC and 25% Money Boost for 30 minutes
5mvisits16,000 RC and 25% Lucky Boost for 30 minutes
45klikes20,000 RC, 25% EXP Boost for 90 minutes, and 25% Lucky Boost for 90 minutes
40klikesEXP Boost for 57 Minutes, Lucky Boost for 30 Minutes, Money Boost for 30 Minutes
HappyNewYear15,000RC, 25% Lucky Boost for 30 minutes, and 25% EXP Boost for 30 minutes
Kt20242,024RC, 25% Lucky Boost for 60 minutes, 25% Money Boost for 30 minutes, and 25% EXP Boost for 60 minutes
BigMonthComing5,000 RB Coins, x1 EXP Boost, and 1 RC Boost
35klikes17,500RC, x1 Luck Boost, x1 Money Boost, and x1 EXP Boost
happyhalloween!10,000 RB Coins, x1 Luck Boost, x1 Money Boost and x1 EXP Boost
JinokuboSword15,000 RB Coins
LikePizza!7,500 RC
NewInsect!25% Coins Boost and 25% Luck Boost for 30 Minutes

Expired Codes

80Kvisits!Redeem for 20,000EXP
1500likes!Redeem for 10K$ and 1000RC
4000visits!Redeem for 1,000 Rebirth Coins
800visits!Redeem for 1,500 Rebirth Coins

How Can I Redeem Kage Tycoon Codes?

To redeem codes in Roblox Kage Tycoon follow these instructions:

  • Launch Roblox Kage Tycoon on your device.
  • Click on Shopping Cart icon located on side of screen.
  • Choose a code from the provided list.
  • Paste code into the designated text box.
  • Press Enter button to receive reward.

Where to get more codes?

To access additional codes it is recommended to join the official Discord server for the latest news, update & conversation with other player. Alternatively you can also visit this wiki regularly where we will post most up to date codes.

Readme also

AAkash has been an avid gamer since he was a youngster. He enjoys spending his time evaluating and writing reviews for both video games and technological products. That is, whenever he is not too busy strolling aimlessly around the streets of Los Santos.

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